So the first day over here, not surprisingly, got significantly better once the horses were factored into the picture! First, once we found some gas station food, we headed to the first barn of the day. I saw about seven or eight horses there, none of which really struck me for a hunter, though I loved one as a jumper. Three year old stallion by Unaniem, huge personality. Anyways, the last one is a gorgeous gray who someone else has first dibs on, so all I did was watch him loose in the ring, but he was a cute mover and just was running around and having so much fun. What got me mostly was that he kept jumping the fence that was set up in the ring just because he loved it. He'd veer across the ring and jump it off a 2 stride approach, or go all the way on the rail, and he was always dead on with how he judged himself. So cute.

After that, we drove 2 hours to the eastern part of the country, near the German border. I tried one other horse, whose videos I really liked. He's really fancy, but tends to lock his jaw on the left. I'm not sure if it's a baby thing, or of he needs his teeth done, or a training issue, but it is a concern. He wanted to be good once he figured it out though, and we got some really good fences in. I have a video of yours truly riding him around that should be ready sometime before the next ice age at this rate. Until then, I'm fighting off the jet lag...


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